Monday, March 12, 2007

Ten months have come and gone

So of course, photos first.

Here are Lenny and Faye hamming it up today as soon as they saw the camera.

Faye, solo, pre (or post)-smile.

Lenny came racing at me once he saw the camera and got right up into the shots.

They're almost 11 months old!
Can you believe it? I certainly can't and I've lived it! It's true, though, the kiddies turned 10 months earlier this month and they're really becoming more toddler-esque. They commando crawl all over the house (which has been much more thoroghly baby proofed) and they're getting so big!

We finally bought Lenny a big-boy car seat yesterday. He should be pretty happy about that as we'll no longer be jamming him into the bucket one that hasn't really fit for about a month. Petite little Faye still has some time in the bucket version left still, thankfully, as I'm not sure how I would ever take them out on my own if neither came equipped with a handle! Fortunately, as Lenny is already trying (with relative levels of success) to walk, I'm hoping he might walk before I have to move Faye up to the new car seat.

Well, I'm sure that's of interest only to me, really, so here are some more exciting factoids about the kids:

1) They're really into table food now as everyone who attended my cousin Timmy's birthday can attest. The up shot is they're so much easier to feed and we can pretty much travel with sippy cups and goldfish crakers. In fact, Faye likes table food so much that she screeches at the top of her voice if I'm eating something she particularly wants (like the goldfish crackers). It's VERY charming.

The down side? Well, did I mention the shrieking? And of course there's the fact that if I'm not feeding them I don't control what they're eating. Lenny and Faye are happy to convince whoever's holding them that what they really NEED to eat is cake, or cookies or chips or cake. They came home on such a sugar high yesterday, I honestly thought their eyes would be spinning in their sockets. But overall, they behaved pretty well post-dietary escapade and I loved not having to feed them. I mean come on, Ed and I feed them everyday, so if the price of uninterupted meal time for us is that the kids get some junk food, I say, "Let them eat cake!"

2) While he can't walk unassisted, Lenny will walk if you hold his hands and help him balance. This equals one very sore back for his proud mama, but you should see his face when he does it (I'll try and get a picture). He just lights up, he's so proud of himself!

3) Faye can now commando crawl almost as fast as Lenny and the two of them can easily make it from one end of the house to the other in less than three minutes. Why is this of interst you might ask? Because in less time than it takes me to grab a cup of coffee they can completely disappear! Hense the renewed focus on baby proofing. And my sudden interest in getting the babies locator devices (just kidding).

Well, bottom line, the kids are happy and healthy as we head towards the finish line of the first year. What comes next? Well, I've heard tell that it includes tantrums and the ability to say, "NO!" at the top of their lungs, but it also comes with the ability to crawl into our laps for kisses and snuggles, so we're still looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...

of course you are looking forward to the next year! you have the most darling and cute children in the world! i miss them and you so much!

Anonymous said...

p.s. that's from your lil sis :)