Saturday, March 03, 2007

Auntie Sheryl comes to visit... Part 2

The pictures from east coast Auntie Sheryl came the other day and as you can see she was able to capture the fact that Faye does smile (something she doesn't do often for the camera). Here she is, freshly bathed, being her most charming for her Auntie Sheryl.

Lenny loves bath time as you can tell. He has so much hair now that I can play with it in the tub, which of course I do! It's hard to tell here, but it's actually curly, too, just like Ed's.

Here we are on the Sunday of Sheryl's visit, all dressed up to go to my grandparents' 75th birthday party. My mom's parents were born on the same day, cute hunh? So of course, Lenny and Faye must be dressed for the occasion. Can you believe I actually have a tie on Lenny??? He loves it! Seriously, he's worn it several times and always seems quiet pleased with his dapper appearance.

Here we are, one happy little family!

Lenny votes for lobster for dinner. Unfortunately that wasn't on the menu, but he did eat plenty from his father's plate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cute family!!!! Heather you are glowing. Motherhood really suits you! Your cuties are adorable.

-Aunt Christy