Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A day of costumes, candy and fun...

At the end of the day, Faye was just tuckered out. Here she is taking a break from handing out candy. Yes, I dressed them up on Halloween. Even though it was just the three of us (Ed had to work the 6 Corners Monster Film Fest - a big hit by the way!) and even though we didn't get that many trick-or-treat'ers, I dressed them up. Everyone who saw them oohed and aahed, so it was worth it in my book.

I did dress up Lenny but he spent most of his time in the jumpin' Jimmy swing so this afterwards picture is all I have of his costume from today. If you haven't seen the previous post, please do scroll down and see the kids in their costumes.

Here's Lenny and Faye from earlier today. They're definitely getting bigger and stronger everyday. Faye even rolled over yesterday, FINALLY!!! However, I'm not sure if I can count it, since I helped her and she hasn't done it since, even with prompting. Oh, well, we'll just keep trying. Faye's no dummy; she's not going to work harder than she has to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both babies are so adorable. And don't worry about Faye. She'll roll over when she's good and ready.
The Chicago Aunt Sheryl