Monday, November 06, 2006

Six months snuck up on us pretty quick!

Six months has gone by SO QUICKLY!!!! I can hardly believe how much is changed. It's truly amazing that the skinny little chicken babies that I brought home from the NICU have turned into these hulking chubbacitos!!! And decked out in their home-boy and girl monkey outfits (a gift from their aunts Sarah and Elizabeth) they look ready to take off and start running.

The update: the kids went in for their 6 month physical today and were proclaimed practically perfect in everyway (as if there was any doubt).

The stats: Lenny (or Hoss, if you prefer) weighed in at 18 pounds and 7 ounces and measured 26.5 inches long. Faye was slightly more petite at 14 pounds and 12 ounces and measuring 24.5 inches. For those of you keeping score, this makes Lenny 60th percentile for height and 75th percential for weight if you don't adjust for being born 6 weeks early. If you do, he's 85th and 90th respectively! Faye came in at 20th percentile for height and 30th for weight unadjusted and 50th and 70th respectively when it was adjusted.

Needless to say I'm thrilled. They're in great health, no problems and the doctor's only advice was more tummy time to get them turning (Faye's going to LOVE that!). I did ask the pediatrician about Lenny's "torticollis" and I recieved the odd look of "what torticollis?". Her suggestion: switch the way we lay him down in his crib from top to bottom in his crib once a week, but not to worry. We'll hear what the state group has to say when they come on Friday, but I was happy to hear that my pediatrian (who's so cautious that she told me not to kiss the babies on the face until April so I don't make them sick this winter!) was not concerned.

Lenny and Faye have continued to get bigger and stronger. Faye's started to sleep almost all the way through the night (averaging 7 hours). We had a big moment a few weeks ago when we said good-bye to our eating/pooping tracking journal. We are now off the regimented schedule and on a more flexible "take the day as it comes" approach. The bigges win from that: the kids take longer naps!!! They ususally take about a 2 hour nap in the morning and a 1 hour nap in the afternoon, not counting when they just fall asleep for half an hour wherever they are as pictured below.

As the holidays approach, we're getting geared up for colder weather and lots more travelling. The kids have received carseat snugglies as hand-me-downs from their cousins (THANK YOU, Joey Bannon and Hannah Byrne!!!) which are fantastic. We're all looking forward to the Thanksgiving trot from one family to another, so hopefully we'll see you all soon!!!!

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