Friday, October 06, 2006

Not much new...

So as the post heading implies not a lot new has happened in the past couple of days. Faye has watched Lenny roll around the floor all day for days but is not appearing any more interested in rolling herself than before. I tried to get her interested by rolling her back and forth myself and she was DEFINITELY not interested in that. Well, what are you going to do?

On a brighter note for Faye, she's been extremely more happy these days. We can't decide if it's because I'm no longer drinking caffinee (I cut it out without even realizing it) or if it's because her nap schedule has gotten more regular, but she has become one happy, smiling, chatty girl! Which is WONDERFUL. The picture above is of her in her barnyard gym. She's figured out that pulling on the lamb or the pig will get the music going and she's having quite a lot of fun being in control.

As for Lenny, he's just rolling along (pun intended). The picture above is of him eating his cereal. As you can see he's a little bit of a mess eater, but he does eat with so much enthusiasm! His favorite thing to do lately is to zurburt (make a raspberry) while eating, sending cereal all over mommy's glasses. He thinks that's just the height of humor and frankly I find it hard not to laugh along with him, because I keep getting surprised by it. You would think that I would learn by now, but...

Anyway, everyone's happy and healthy and that's what's important. We have a busy week next week, so hopefully I'll have more to write about. With any luck we'll be going to the zoo on Monday, so check back next week for pictures of Faye wrestling a lion (just kidding)!

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