Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Rock and ROLL, Lenny!

That's right, sports fans, Lenny rolled over yesterday!!!! I know I sound like a loon for being so excited but it was the coolest thing! He's been rocking back and forth for weeks now, but yesterday it just clicked for him and he rolled over and pulled his arm out from underneath him so he was completely on his stomach. Of course then he got mad because he doesn't like to be on his stomach, but that didn't stop him from rolling over again after I had put him on his back. He did it all day long.

The down side: now I have to really have to watch that kid!!! But we're thrilled at this advancement for Lenny.


Anonymous said...

Rock on little Lenny. Love the blog H&E. XO-Aunt Christy

Anonymous said...

What great photos!! How wonderful to be able to view these cuties from 500 miles away. Hugs to all!
Aunt Diane

Anonymous said...

Good job, Lenny-c'mon Faye you can do it! We love the blog Mom & Dad, and all the pics. I love technology!

They are growing so fast--and they are v-e-r-y cute! Miss you.

Aunt Cathy, Uncle Rich, Beth & Katy

P.S. Tory needs to meet them!