Thursday, June 18, 2009

Backlog photos December 2008


Doesn't Trudy look a little frightened in this picture? Yikes!

Lenny, Faye and Ed built a snowman!

Lenny LOVES his snowman.

Faye says, "It's cold out here!"

Faye admires our newly decorated Christmas tree.

Lenny, Faye and Trudy "help" Mommy make Christmas cookies. We do this on the 23rd, because Nana and company celebrate Christmas Eve (God bless their generous hearts) so that the five of us are free to roam to my father's family and Ed's family on Christmas Day itself. Note: next year, we will not be hitting three places with three kids on Christmas Day. It ended badly. Very badly.

Faye carefully distributes sprinkles on her cookies.

Lenny finds spare sprinkles on the cookie sheet to eat.

My absolutely GORGEOUS niece, Annika, at our house for Christmas Eve. Couldn't she be a model???? I know I'm biased but seriously!!!! And she's just as sweet as can be. And she's only an hour and a half older than Faye and Lenny. And I love her. The end!

Faye got some ballerina dress up stuff. AWESOME!!!!

Lenny got some train engineer stuff. He was THRILLED!

Santa ate up his cookies, drank his milk and Rudolph even snarffed up his carrots.

As you can see, Santa left plenty of stuff for the kiddos.

Trudy with her godmother on the day after Christmas.

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