Friday, December 01, 2006

Our First Snow Day

You might be expecting to see the children bundled up and somehow playing in the snow. However, they're far to young for that and it would be just too much work for me. Please believe me when I tell you that I showed them the snow (from our window) and they were thoroughly unimpressed. Kind of a let down, I know, but just wait until next year; I'm sure the pictures will be priceless.

Speaking of pictures, it occurred to me the other day that there are no pictures of me or Ed with the kids on the blog (at least none where you can see our faces), so for you die-hard Ed and Heather fans, I submit the following. Enjoy!

Ed and Lenny take a nap on the couch before Lenny goes up to bed.

Heather and Lenny dance around the living room. Lenny really is a fantastic slow dancer, and he's still so young!

Faye's surprised to see her mom on the other side of that flashing thing.

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