Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!

Once again this year we have quite a lot to be thankful for. For starters, Thanksgiving in Chicago was glorious: a warm, sunny Fall day! Secondly, the kids were fantastic. They were made for the holiday travel gauntlet as they packed up and went from the Nichin's (hosted by Aunt Terry; thanks Aunt Terry!!) to the Gottmann-Boyle's (hosted by Mom and Brian, thanks guys!!) with no fuss. All this while having a fantastically phlemmy cold! These really are great kids. I lucked out big time!

So we started out at the Nichin's. Lenny and Faye enjoyed visiting until Faye's cold got the better of her and she needed to spend some time walking around with Grandpa Nichin (thanks, Dad!). Here's a shot of Lenny with Aunt Terry. Lenny LOVES being snuggled by his aunts!

Next we headed over to Mom and Brian's for Thanksgiving dinner. We got to see Cory and Brian Jr. (both home for the holiday) and Evan. Mom and Brian did a magnificent job on dinner which was scrumptious (with the help of Grandma Gottmann's yummy meat stuffing)! We all ate and ate! Then we settled in for some wine, dessert, talking and more wine. All and all a great time!

Faye tells Grandpa Boyle a nice story.

Lenny enjoys some Nana time!

Annika and Lenny enjoy some mat time.

Grandma and Grandpa Gottmann keep Lenny from eating the cookies. You have to wait until next year, Lenny!

Lenny and Annika hang out on the couch. Lenny sports his pj's.

Lenny hangs out with his Uncle Evan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Sounds like you all had a wonderful holiday. I love seeing all the photos.

-Aunt Christy