Thursday, December 14, 2006

On the move...

I know, I know, it's been a long time since I blogged. But A LOT has been going on. First of all, the kids have been sick since before Thanksgiving. It evolved last week into some pretty high temperatures - that was fun. The best part (and I'm being sarcastic, which I'm not sure translates well on the internet) was that my doctor's nurses line told me to bring the babies into the office since their temperatures lasted four days, but when I got there, the doctor I saw said, "Yeah, well, kids this age get about 1 cold a month. You'll just have to tough it out." I could have told him that!!! I paid for this?

Anyway, on a lighter note, Lenny and Faye are getting bigger and stronger everyday. Faye sits up quite nicely (with some help) and spends quite a lot of time on her tummy (voluntarily I might add).

Lenny, in turn, has been scooching up a storm. Here's a picture of him on the floor. He started off on his back on the mat behind him and wound up here within a matter of 2 - 3 minutes. He's a determined little thing. Still no crawling, but it won't be long now.

Other than that, we're just preparing for Christmas and enjoying the mild weather while it lasts. And, yes, for you astute viewers, Lenny and Faye are dressed the same today. I just couldn't resist!

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