Friday, November 10, 2006

UPDATE: Torticollis

The short answer is that Lenny does NOT have torticollis. Well, that's kind of the long answer, too. The Child and Family Connection folks (that's the state's early intervention office) came out today to evaluate Lenny based on the recommendation of the NICU follow up therapist. They said that he does slightly favor his right side but it wasn't significant enough to warrent therapy and they gave us an exercise to do with him to help him use his left side a little more. They also said that Lenny's doing great overall and that he appeared to be the healthy, happy baby that we know him to be. So, no therapy, which is nice.

On a lighter note, I attempted to take the Christmas card picture today. Let's just say that Faye wasn't in the mood to have her photo taken. Beyone that, I think the below photos speak for th
emselves! Faye really can't be made to do something she doesn't want to do. Oh, well, we'll just try again later.

Lenny says, "I'll kiss it and make it better, Faye!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the series of photos!!!! I would use the cutie shot of Lenny kissing Faye for your card. How cute is that!?! Can't wait to meet these little munchkins.
-Aunt Christy