Friday, October 13, 2006

Pajama party and assorted news

Here are Lenny and Faye in the pajamas that Nana and Grandpa Boyle bought them in Colorado (visiting Brian Jr.). Lenny and Faye got to spend the night over at the Boyle house on Tuesday evening while Ed and I went to see King Lear at the Goodman theatre. The kiddies totally loved thier night over at Nana and Grandpa Boyle's house and they can't wait to go and spend the weekend. It seemed like Mom and Brian enjoyed themselves, too.

The best part (for me) was that Faye kept to her sleep schedule which means she slept from 9pm until 2am. Faye is now sleeping about 6 - 7 hours a night and we're SO PROUD of her. This is a big leap for Faye (and her no longer SO tired parents).

Faye and Lenny went to their NICU followup yesterday (Thursday) where they were seen by Oral and Physical therapists. Everything appears to be going well, although Ed and I are not quite sure why all these therapists NEED to be evaluating the kids. We know they were born early and that they were in the NICU for a while, but seriously, these kids are normal, healthy babies. And even though Faye got a clean bill of theraputic health (although there's some concern about her not turning over yet, to which I just have to say - Get Over It!!!), appearantly Lenny has some "subtle" physical therapy issues.

I have to say that I've been somewhat frustrated with most of my experiences with these therapists. They've all been very nice and very helpful, but it's almost as if they can't let us out of their office without something being wrong. To my mind there is nothing wrong with Lenny, but the PT thinks he's got a slightly flat head on one side and she's concerned that he's compensating for that by favoring one side of his body. In my opinion it's all balogna! I watch this kid every day and the only thing he favors is rolling back and forth on the floor with abandon.

SO.... sorry to rant, but I do get tired of these pseudo-issues that only come up when we're at a specialist's office. By the by... our pediatrian thinks they're both healthly little clams. So we'll see what will go on next. But with any luck we won't need to keep seeing these "quacks" and I won't need to keep ranting into cyberspace!


Anonymous said...

Don't let the quacks get to you. A mother always knows best!!! I can't wait to see pics from the zoo.
-Aunt Christy

Anonymous said...

Take it from someone who's been through it all... They have to dot every i, etc. so they can keep their stats on the preemies. Hannah went through it until they finally released her at three years old! Every time we went, it felt just like you described, like they couldn't find anything to report so they said, "Let's keep an eye on..." Don't worry, they're awesome!


The Loredos