Saturday, October 21, 2006

Let them eat . . . prunes?

Yes, prunes. Lenny and Faye have moved on up to cereal and fruits recently. Lenny has been eating cereal for a few weeks now, but when we were at the doctor's last, they suggested Faye might enjoy oatmeal (since the rice cereal wasn't sitting to well with her). We gave it a try to magnificent results.

Faye LOVES eating quasi-solids. Since they're both such fans of cereal, we decided to give fruits and veggies a try, starting with prunes. Both kids enjoyed they're first fruit serving as you can see from the pictures. They seemed startled by the difference in flavor and texture to their normal cereal, but they both ate it up with gusto! It's hard to believe in just a couple of weeks they'll be 6 months old! Time certainly does fly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Prunes!?! Won't that just cause extra diaper duty???? Love the sloppy face shots....too cute!
-Aunt Christy