Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Summer is almost gone

And what a summer it's been! Lenny and Faye have grown so much and are up and about running all over the place. I can hardly believe it was only a few short months ago that they could barely walk without someone bending over them holding both of their hands. Now, they're racing around our back yard, playing with one another, chasing the poor beleaguered squirrels and generally having a spectacular time.

Faye enjoys bouncing up and down on the couch.

Faye demonstrates her amazing (although admittedly infrequent) ability to use a spoon correctly.

Lenny shows off his "eat from the handle" technique.

Up at the Milwaukee Zoo with the Bannon clan, Faye spends some quality time yelling at the goats.

Lenny ditches the stroller for a nice walk with Daddy and Grandma.

Their cousin Annika came for a visit in August and all three babies had a good time.

Lenny still loves to have his close up photo taken.

Faye smiles and laughs whenever the camera gets turned on her.

Lenny still LOVES Ignatius.

And our backyard is where we spend most of our time now. We've got a pretty sweet set-up, what with the slides and the pool.

Faye spends a lot of time watching everything; watching Lenny push the bubble lawn-mower . . .

watching Lenny "fix" the bubble lawn-mower, watching the leaves and grass grow. This girl is a scientist waiting to happen. Empirical Observation!!!!

Lenny's a mover and a shaker. He likes to get out there and climb, push and chase. Of course they both switch roles and sometimes Faye is the active one while Lenny's busy collecting leaves to bring back inside. It's just so much fun!! We hope you get a chance to enjoy the last few days of Summer, they're going fast!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Heather, Lenny and Faye are adorable. After hearing a lot about them it's nice to finally see them. Take care, Shibu Mathew.