Saturday, June 16, 2007

Long time, no bloggin'. . .

Crazy, hunh? Yeah, I'd like to say I've been too busy to blog lately, but the truth is, I've just been having too much fun with the babes. Babies this age are just so adorable, especially mine! Lenny and Faye have been into everything.

Walking, walking everywhere. They still insist on holding on to someone's hand to walk, although they both can walk on their own. Faye started taking a few solo steps back in May and Lenny did took his first steps today. It was amazing! Much stronger than Faye's (which were kind of a glorified fall onto the couch), I stood Lenny up and he just walked off on his own. Twice! I have witnesses.

Anyway, besides walking, there's been a whole lot of talking. They can say "mommy", "daddy", "kitty-cat", "dog", "please", "thank you", "can I", "see" and a whole lot of other things that sound like giberish right now but are sure to evolve into something. Oh, and Lenny can say "cicada". Weird, hunh.

Other than that, we've just been having a bunch of fun with the warm weather. We take a walk every evening to the park and back. Last night, Ed was home early enough so we let them play in the sprinklers at the park. Lenny loved it, he stood in the epicenter of the four sprinklers as if he was the sprinkler sheriff. Faye, stuck her hands and toes in,
but wasn't enamored of getting too wet.

Today we took the kids over to my aunt Mille's house and let them get in the pool. Pictures are below.
Lenny enjoyed himself immensely. Faye, had a good time for a little while, but then had to get out and socialize. They were both adorable (I know I'm biased, but seriously they were).

Lenny continues his love affair with our dog, Iggy. Here he is gently petting her head . . .

Then hugging her head . . .

Then wrestling with her on the floor. Good times!

Not to be outdone, Faye practices her body slam on her teddy bear. Watch out, Lenny, Faye's got a wicked head-lock, too!

But Faye still enjoys a quiet moment with her bear, so long as he keeps in line!

Faye shows off her pearly whites for her Aunt Mille at the pool.

Lenny squeals in delight about splashing around in the water.

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