Wednesday, May 09, 2007

One is great!

What a week we had last week! The kids turned one, we took a trip with Ed down to Vandalia, we hosted three birthday parties and Lenny's top two teeth started to come in. But it's all part and parcel of the fabulous first year of having Lenny and Faye! We feel so very blessed.

Lenny and Faye enjoy their last day as "infants" in some cute, tech-humor tee-shirts from their Uncle Arnold. Since Faye was born first, we let her be the original.

Lenny and Faye rest up before heading out on the town for their birthday. Vandalia is a happening town!

Lenny and Faye stare in awe at one of their new birthday toys, a Little People airplane.

Faye enjoys some down time on her birthday. "Turning one is great!"

Lenny makes a mad dash for the toys after checking out what's under the hotel room bed.

Lenny and Faye featured prominently on their birthday cake.

We let them tackle a cupcake this year instead of a whole piece of cake. Check out the video to see how it went.

Faye eats her cupcake as daintily as possible. . .

Whereas Lenny jammed as much in his mouth as he could!

Sunday came with the third and final party. Thanks, Nana and Grandpa Boyle for the ice cream cake!!

Lenny politely opens the card first . . .

. . . before tearing into his present.

Faye helps Nana with the tissue paper.

Then spends some quiet time with her toys.

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