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So as you can see the kids LOVED their sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa Nichin's!! Ed and I enjoyed it, too!! I can't remember the last time I SLEPT so much! It was truly fantastic!!!!!
So Lenny and Faye seem to have treated Dad and Josie well, although I have to say that by 2pm today I was jonesing to hold them! It was so nice to see them so content when we got over there and so happy to see us. These kids really are great!
So anyway, we survived. More than that we had a wonderful time (I even got to have a gin Gimlet, woo-hoo!!!) out with our friends, Debbie and Jim. We're looking forward to our next evening sans-kids in two weeks when they take a trip over to Nana and Grandpa Boyle's house while Ed and I go see King Lear. Very exciting!!!!
So today Lenny and Faye are over at their Grandma and Grandpa Nichin's. This is our first full day apart since they were born and our first night apart since they came home from the NICU. I'm trying not to be a big baby about the whole thing and aside from my rocky start I think I'm doing fairly well. Unfortunately we've been doing all the things we need to be doing since we don't have to worry about the kids, so we're not having a total ball but at least it's kept me distracted for the past 7 hours. I am looking forward to tonight though, I'm going to be able to have a couple of drinks without worrying about nursing Faye. Woo-hoo!! Anyway, we'll be getting them back tomorrow so I'm sure whatever withdrawls I'm going through until then will be over shortly.

Lenny and Faye went to visit everyone at Nana Boyle's office today and were quite the hit. Lenny as you can see was tuckered out from being such a snuggly sweetheart (especially with all the nice ladies that work there). Faye smiled quite a bit when she got home (since she didn't do a whole lot of smiling for the folks at the ARC).
It was a beautiful day for a trip into the city and the kids were just wonderful about the car ride. Their plans to go to the zoo tomorrow have been unfortunately cancelled, due partly to bad weather and partly to illness (Paula's daughter, Skylar, got strep). But we're hoping to make it to the zoo this fall and see what Lenny and Faye make of all the animals. I suspect they'll be quite thrilled!
So here Lenny and Faye are goofing around on the floor. Honestly, this is pretty indicative of my days with them. I love staying home with them and seeing them grow. They're so much fun!!! Sure we have our rough moments (when we're all hungry and crying at once), but by far this is the most satisfying thing I've ever done in my entire life.
So here is the lovely, Auntie Sheryl with her sweet babies. Look how hossy-bossy Lenny is!! Faye even stopped crying to have her picture taken, how nice.
Sheryl came in on Labor Day weekend when the kids were 18 weeks old. She was such a wonderful house guest and the kids loved her.
Sheryl, come back soon so we can spoil you rotten. Lenny sleeps 10 - 12 hours a night now!
Lenny and Faye are almost 11 weeks old here and as you can see they're starting to get chubby (finally!). These adorable outfits were a gift from Ed's sister (Elaine)'s mother-in-law. She's such a nice lady and I loved dressing the kids up for church in these outfits!

So Lenny and Faye had been smiling since they were born (I think so at any rate), but this is the first time they really bust out the smiles for the camera. They're 8 weeks old here and you can see they're finally starting to put on some weight.

So Lenny and Faye are 8 weeks old here and just soooo cute in their post-bath spendor.
Lenny and Faye are just over 6 weeks old in this picture and you can start to see their personalities coming out. Faye is definitely more vocal (that's a nice way of putting it) and assertive, whereas Lenny is much more mellow. They're both adorable and even in the haze of no sleep I managed to take many, many pictures of them.

So as you can see they eventually did come home (Lenny on May 16 and Faye on May 26; these pictures are from May 28). Still skinny, little chickens, but they were home and that's all that mattered to us. Honestly, we were so happy we hardly noticed the severe sleep deprivation that we were slipping into getting up every 3 hours. But with them being this cute, who wouldn't have been thrilled!

So here are Lenny and Faye (respectively) when they were just afew hours old. I know, they look like little aliens, but it really wasn't as bad as it looks here. What liitle munchkins they were, hunh? Lenny weighed 5 pounds even and Faye weighed 4 pounds and 5 ounces.
So Lenny and Faye are over four months old and life is finally starting to take on some shape of normalcy. In order to have a convenient way to keep all of their fans in the loop, I decided to start this blog where I'll have pictures and be able to update everyone whose interested in the details of my life with twins. I hope you all enjoy!