Saturday, September 06, 2008

And baby makes three

She finally came!!!!! That's right, after much complaining on my part, Trudy finally picked out her birthday, September 3rd. After having been sent home from the hospital on Saturday for not being in full labor, I was a bit reticent to believe the time had finally come late Tuesday night, but by 11:30pm my contractions (which had been going on for four and a half hours by this point) were 5 minutes apart and there was no denying that she was on her way.

We made it to the hospital in record time (Thank You, Ed!!!!) and a few hours (and one mercifully easy labor) later, I had my baby girl! Everything went so well that I was able to go home the next day and we've been getting settled into our routine ever since.

Ed gets to snuggle with Trudy minutes after she was born. Having a full term baby is so much more fun than having her whisked off to the NICU right away!

I also got to hold Trudy since my insides stayed on the inside this time!

Look at that chubby baby!

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