Saturday, August 30, 2008

Time to catch up....

It seems like every few months or so I'm putting up a post that starts out, "So I know it's been a long while, but..." Well, it has been a long while, almost all summer, but we've been out enjoying ourselves, so there's no crime in that. To cover the backlog of photos (something I wanted to do before Trudy shows up), let's just get started.

Here's Faye dressed up in her jams and my heels.

Faye makes her fish face at Lenny as he angles for a spot in the toy box.

But as you can see he eventually gets in.

Then they settle in for some goofing around on the couch.

I decided to take an art class on Saturdays this summer, so Ed got to spend Saturday mornings with the kids (which they all loved). Here they are at the mini-airplane field by our house.

Faye is astonished by the small planes.

And Lenny was equally entranced.

Even though our summer has been mild, Lenny and Faye enjoyed celebrating the Fourth of July with popsicles in our backyard.

As you can see, they were thoroughly enjoyed. Yeah, Kool-Aid popsicles!!!!

The week after the 4th is usually when all the Bannon grandkids come into town for Grandparents Camp. As their "camp site" was more of a swamp this year due to the Rock River flooding, they spent the week doing different activities around Chicago. Here's a picture of 10 of the 14 grandkids at the Lincoln Park Zoo. What a day that was!!!!!

Later in July, we got together for a small welcome party for Trudy (like a baby shower but not quite). Here's Nana with her first three grandkids, all three just as cute as can be!

As July rolled on, we wound up spending a lot of our time in the back yard, sucking down popsicles, playing in the sandbox and being hosed down by Mommy. Faye takes a moment to savor her treat.

Lenny, looking like a hippy because I haven't gotten around to getting his hair cut, enjoys a cool treat too!

The sandbox is always popular.

But not nearly as much as the sprinkler on a hot, sunny afternoon!

Lenny and Faye amuse each other through the sliding doors at our house.

Finally, here I am (with Trudy) at 36 weeks. You can see I've soaked up some sun running around with the kids this summer. It's been great and now we're just waiting for Trudy to make her appearance in order to make everything complete!

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