Saturday, April 19, 2008

Faye's First haircut . . . sort of

Because it's just her bangs, which needed to be neatened up but not enough hair was cut for me to save it. However, that doesn't mean I'm above photographing and blogging it. So here are the highlights:

Faye's before photo with her Uncle Jim.

Faye holds the spray bottle for Nicole while waiting for the process to get started. I love getting their hair cut over by the Robaczewskis because they put on TV shows for the kids while they get their hair cut. Lenny and Faye are always entranced.

Faye watches Nicole wet her hair down.

Nicole does a fabulous job! See how calm and happy Faye is?

All done! Even though her bangs are wet, they're out of Faye's eyes and she's none the wiser she lost any hair.

And the hat theme continues

Yes, Faye does love to wear a hat, just so long as it's not one her mother wants her to wear. Check out the Blues Brother fedora pictures below, which are not bad but not necessarily the adorable hat I want to plop on her head. And for further proof I submit the following: Miss Faye "Bucket-Head" Bannon. I know it's cute, I think so too, but why can't it be her Cubs hat?????

The Blues Babies

I just couldn't resist taking these pictures! When Ed was away in Philadelphia a few weeks ago, he had to put on a presentation in which they did a tribute to the Blues Brothers. When Lenny and Faye got a hold of his hat, they did a pretty good tribute to their father.

Faye giggling at how cute she is in the hat.

Then she takes that hat off with a lot of flare!

Lenny tilts it back, I would say a la J.T. but some might recall a certain Michael Jackson with the same hat and pose. I'm sticking with Timberlake!

The only portrait shot I could get of Lenny with the hat actually on.

Lenny was also quite amused by his cleverness in wearing the hat.

Monday, April 14, 2008

And the latest Bannon is a . . . GIRL!!!!!

That's right Bannon baby fans, we're having another girl! Hooray!!!! And yes, before anyone asks, we do understand that we'll have two teenage girls under the same roof for quite some time, but as there's not much we can do about it, we're just saving that worry for later.

As you can see, she's already quite pretty in profile and the this photo shows that she is indeed a girl.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Catching up

Busy, busy, busy! We really have been quite busy these days. If you have a second, take a look to the right to view the latest video footage of the kids. They're a couple of slices of daily life with Lenny and Faye. Other than what you see there, I'll admit there has been a lot of lazing about the house, but some interesting highlights from March:

Faye decided one day that she needed to wear every single barrette she owned. As you can see from the following pictures, while it is a look, it's not one we'll be pursuing often.

For those of you who don't know, I had a similar fascination with barrettes when I was a little older than Faye's age and on one occasion I was able to convince my mother to put all of my barrettes in my hair. I distinctly remember the way they all rattled as I shook my head.

The Easter party at Holy Family church was a big hit with the kids this year. I painted faces again, so my mom generously agreed to come and help Ed corral the kids. Everyone had a great time and Lenny and Faye learned a new word: Chocolate!

Annika (Lenny and Faye's cousin who is one and a half hours older than them) came by for a visit late in the month. As you can see the girls REALLY enjoyed each other's company!