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On Friday the kids were part of a Christmas pagent with their ABC Soup class (including cousins Tommy & Joey). You can see the footage to the right in the video section, and as you can imagine, they were all just as cute as can be. Miss Faye even consented to wear jingle bell barrettes in her hair which you can see in the photo. How sweet!
So I realized (even though I'm perpetually admitting to being behind on my blogging) that I forgot to blog Thanksgiving weekend. Yikes! Well, here it is.
Annika and Faye give each other a hug. They're both as cute as can be in their holiday pink.
Lenny shoots his cousin a smile.
Nana and Grandpa Boyle have a laugh trying to keep a wiggly pair of kids still for a holiday picture. Oh, well, maybe next year.
The next day, Annika came over to our house to hand out before the Fahey reunion.
Annika runs to have her close up shots taken as soon as she realizes there's a camera in the room.
Faye and her cousin Caden run around at the reunion.
A pink sumo wrestler, you ask? No, just our first REALLY cold day and I decided to try out a hand-me-down snow suit from Faye's cousin Sarah. As you can tell, 24 months is WAY, WAY too big for her.
But even though the suit is more for next winter, it doesn't stop Faye from running around!
Or coming by to spend a quite moment next to Mommy.
Lenny's suit fits just right! Thanks, Joey!!!!
Well, I had thought I would have blogged more in the past month, but as usual life has gotten entirely in the way. On the up side, we've sent out our Christmas cards, done most of our shopping and managed to enter the tantrum phase (that's right, full on, on the floor rolling around and screaming). So there's been that. Also on the upside, I finally managed to get my computer to download video again (I don't know what I did to stop it or start it again, but it's working, so....), so please check out the latest video link on the side.