Monday, May 19, 2008

Tubby time...

Since the babes were born, I've been waiting for them to wear these bath towels of their own volition and finally (with the help of a bedtime story that talks about being wrapped up "cozy warm" in a towel after a bath) they let me.

Faye actually smiles in her bunny towel instead of ripping it off of her head as she has every other time she's worn the towel.

Then a big yawn.

A view of the bunny head.

And a shot of her name on the back.

Lenny just barely tolerates his hippo.

A shot of the hippo head.

And the best we could do at getting his name. I guess cozy warm just isn't Lenny's style!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

We turned TWO!!!!!

Yes, that's right, we've survived two whole years together!! I don't know if that's a bigger accomplishment for Ed and me or Lenny and Faye but regardless we're all happy, healthy and ready for many more years to come. Woo-hoo!

Our day started out with lots of smiles from both Faye and Lenny.

Then we headed over to the Kohl's Children's Museum for the morning. Lenny LOVED finding the trains in the interactive room.

While the ever orderly Faye enjoyed "cleaning up" the pegs at the table next to the trains.

Then we were off to the nursery where Faye decided to try her hand at mothering two babies at once.

"Nap time," she repeatedly told them.

Faye tried and tried to pedal the machine that filled tubes up with air, but her legs just weren't long enough.

So she settled down to read a few good books.

The reading area is right next to the water room, so it wasn't long before Lenny found his way in there.

He loves scooping boats out of the water, and then tossing them back in.

And Faye loves to help him out.

I think she really enjoys the cleaning aspect of her scoop.

Next up, the music room. Faye tries out some drums.

And Lenny says, "No, Faye, bang it LOUDER!!!!!"

Faye pleased her mother by posing in front of her musical composition.

Then pleased herself by learning about the windy nature of reed instruments!

Off to the Clifford the Big Red Dog special exhibit!

Lenny played with his reflection for awhile. It's nice to have another boy around once in a while.

Then it was down the Clifford slide. Thankfully, Faye did not slide down head first, her preferred sliding position. Instead she ran down screaming, "Whee!!!!"

Lenny however couldn't resist and did slide down head first.

Before we left the exhibit, Faye gave Clifford's little girl a nice kiss good-bye!

Last stop: the car room, of course! Faye takes the wheel . . .

but generously turns it over to her brother when he wanted a turn.

First girl in . . . last girl out.

Lenny gets a chance to drive the big wheels!

Faye raced back and forth through the simulated car wash. What is it with this girl and cleaning????

After a long morning of running around the Children's Museum, you would think the birthday kids would have been exhausted and ready for a nice, long nap. You would have been WRONG! In fact, these two didn't sleep a wink from when they woke up on their birthday at 6am to when they collapsed in their cribs at 7:45pm. That's will power! I wish I could stay up as well as they can!
But a crabby evening was fortunately avoided by having their cousins, Tommy and Joey over.

All four kids dig into their post-pizza cupcakes.

Faye eyes her father suspiciously as if to say, "Keep your mits off my cake, Daddy!"

Lenny leans back enjoying his sugar buzz!

Happy 2nd Birthday, babies!!!!!!!!!!!!