Tuesday, February 20, 2007

East Coast Auntie Sheryl came to visit!

Yes, Auntie Sheryl came in from DC for President's Day weekend and hung with us and the kids. We lured her out here with the promise of babies that slept through the night and were so much fun to play with.

Well, normally that would be true, but the kids got a cold this weekend and Lenny was up quite a bit both Saturday and Sunday night. Sheryl was a trooper though and put up with all of the crying and runny noses and such. She even cheered the kids up as you can see from her photos with them. Thanks, Sheryl!!!!

On the up side, we did get to take Sheryl to the Sear's Tower and the swanky Signature Room for drinks (courtesy of Nana and Grandpa Boyle's babysitting service). So at least some part of the weekend went as planned.

Sheryl managed to take some photos of the kids with her own camera and even got a short video which I'll post as soon as she emails them to me.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

I hope you all feel loved and special (and got to eat some chocolate), because that's what today's all about! As you can see, Lenny and Faye got into the spirit by wearing their romantically inspired jammies (yes, Lenny's jammies do proclaim him to be a heart breaker, but what can I say?).

Ed, the kids and I all had a great day. Ed took the day off, so we got to enjoy each other's and the kids' company, which was the nice.

Other tid-bits:
Here are the kids in the hats their aunt Donna knit for them. Aren't they cute?

Lenny, taking a break from his bottle, smiles for the camera.

Faye spends some time tearing up magazine coupons before bedtime. How relaxing!

Ed and Lenny take a snooze.

My dad gets to take a photo with both Lenny and Faye. Incidentally, this was taken the night he came over and fixed our furnace which had stopped working. Have I mentioned that it's been EXTREMELY cold out here? My daddy was quite popular in our house that night. Thanks, Daddy!!!!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Free time and harrassment

Alright, I know I used to post A LOT more often, but I swear (and I'm talking to you East Coast girls) I am truly busy! Sure Lenny and Faye play with each other and barely look at me, but they move now, so I have to keep an eye on them at all times. Ok, yes, I could have them play by the computer, but really, the computer chair isn't nearly as comfortable as the recliner in the front room. Plus, those romance novels won't read themselves! I promise to try harder.

This is what one child asleep and one child occupying herself looks like, otherwise known as sanity. Isn't it beautiful?