Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Just because

No reason at all. I just haven't blogged in a while and I thought these pictures were particularly cute.

For those of you not in Chicago, let me just tell you, "IT'S SO COLD!!!!" It's been a little sad the past couple of weeks as the weather has gotten unbearably cold, and I haven't wanted to drag the kids out in it unnecessarily.

So that means, you guessed it, I've spend A LOT of time inside. So why no blogging during that time, you ask? Well, it seems the kids are easily bored as well, so I've been making a pretty good fool of myself to keep them entertained. It's worked well, but leaves precious little time for blogging. However, sometimes I need a giggle, hence the above pictures.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Happy New Year

Yes, yes, it's been a long time since the last post. I know, I've been slacking, but really I haven't. Lots has been going on and I just haven't gotten a chance to sit down at the computer long enough to go through my pictures.

So, what's the update on the kids? Well, for those of you anxiously awaiting, I'm sorry to say that they're not crawling yet. They're also not reading or doing algebra, so we're just biding our time knowing they'll do all three in their own sweet time.

What are they doing? Well, Lenny is holding his bottle himself these days (quite the big boy, I must say!) and he's quite proud of himself. This is something that Ed and I had been trying for some time to get him to do and he was never quite interested. So how did he catch on? He spend the weekend by Grandma and Grandpa Nichin's and they put him through bottle boot camp! It definitely makes life a little easier.

Lenny is also on the move, despite not having crawling in his repertoire. He rolls and scootches from one end of the room to the other so my days of lying him down and running to the bathroom are OVER. But it's great, because he's able to explore and it makes him so happy. He's also chattering quite a bit now. He can say "ma-ma," "da-da," "ba-ba" and a host of other sounds then end in "ah." We're pretty sure he doesn't associate a meaning to them yet, but he says them with a lot of conviction.

Lenny's loving Iggy and vice versa. We were in Wisconsin visiting Ed's parents, so we had Iggy kenneled for the weekend. When she came home, Lenny was thrilled!!! He's as gentle as he can be with her (which isn't always saying much) and she's VERY gentle and patient with him and with Faye.

Lenny's also big into musical toys these days. These maracas that he got from Nana Boyle are a HUGE hit!

He shares them very nicely with his sister, who prefers the tamborine a bit more.

And what about Faye, you may ask? We'll like Lenny she's babbling up a storm, but she's more in zurbert mode these days. She's also added a weird, grunting, goat-like noise to her list of sounds. She loves it. I'm not that crazy about it myself, but what do I know?

Faye's also learned to scootch on her back. She actually got a couple of feet this morning and surprised me. Which made me think, I REALLY have to finish child proofing the house!!! Fortunately, I have several safe spaces for them to play so I can leave them alone for a few seconds.

Faye and Lenny have also started to get their first teeth. It's funny because I wouldn't have even known that they were coming in, but Faye was chewing on my finger the other day and I noticed it then. In retrospect she has been chewing on anything she could get her hands on (socks included), but there hasn't been a whole lot of crabbiness or sleeplessness. Yet. We'll see how they go.

Over all, we're all doing great. The kids, who were sick with one thing or another from before Thanksgiving until after New Year's, have been germ free for over a week! I'm ecstatic!!! And they're getting bigger and cuter everyday (as I'm sure the pictures show). One final note: Ed pointed out the other day that they've been out of the womb longer than they were in it now. An interesting milestone, hunh?